Voting & Government Information

Voting & Government Information

Home / Voting & Government Information

McLean Islamic Center is proud of the Muslim Community’s Civic Engagement and Voter Turnout

  • Virginia has over 214,000+ Muslims registered to vote
  • Muslims make up 11% of voters in the Northern Virginia Area
  • In 2018, around 70% of registered Muslims voted, 10% higher than Virginia statewide turnout

Which Legislators Represent McLean Islamic Center?

What to bring on election day?

  • An acceptable form of identification.
  • Remember: You can still vote if you forget your ID! You can sign an ID statement affirming your identity.

Are you interested in running for office? Become a candidate here.

McLean Islamic Center welcomes visits from public officials, media, legislators, and candidates!

If interested in visiting or scheduling an event with McLean Islamic Center, please email

Mosque Etiquette to be aware of before your visit: Please take off your shoes upon entering the Mosque. Men/women should wear modest clothing.

Voting Resources

When Do I Vote?

Voting Hours Virginia
Voting is open from 6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. If you are in line by 7:00 p.m. you will be able to vote.

McLean Islamic Center
Candidate Policy

-As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization McLean Islamic Center does not endorse any political candidate or party. However, McLean Islamic Center may conduct voter engagement or connect with candidates on a nonpartisan basis.

The McLean Islamic Center (MIC) proudly partners with to promote community harmony and understanding of diversity. As a partner of, we believe that through positive dialogue and collaboration, we can better serve our surrounding community and foster inclusivity in religious and cultural development.